GardeningHOA and native plantsHow to GuideLandscapingnative evergreensnative ground covernative holliesnative plantnative plant transformationnative plantingsnative plantsnative screenpollinator friendly plants4 Min Read epic gardeningonJune 30, 2024Native Plant Transformation: How to Turn a Non-Native Landscape into a Native Landscape Many concerned gardeners want to transition their home garden dominated by non-native species to a more pollinator-friendly native garden once…
American wisteria vinecarolina jessaminecrossvineDutchman's Pipe vineHoneysuckle vinenative plantnative vinesnative vines for pollinatorsPollinationpollinators4 Min Read epic gardeningonMay 12, 2024Growing Vertically with the Top Five Native Vines for Pollinators Native vines are a totally underutilized plant in Mid-Atlantic gardens. Filling gaps, covering walls and fences, and making a great vertical…
Gardeningkeystone native plantskeystone plantsnative plantnative plantsreplacing non-native plants6 Min Read epic gardeningonMay 5, 2024The Benefits of Planting Native Keystone Plants As stewards of our amazing planet, we can appreciate the potential importance of all species to the continued existence of a complex…
early bloomersnative early bloomersnative plantnative plantsPollination9 Min Read epic gardeningonFebruary 19, 2024Las 10 mejores opciones de plantas nativas de principios de primavera Las plantas nativas son muy importantes para todos nuestros polinizadores, pero las más importantes son las de principios de la primavera…
eating paw pawsEdible plantsForaginghot to grow paw paw treesnative plantpaw pawPawpawpreparing paw paws3 Min Read epic gardeningonOctober 5, 2023PawPaws: America’s Best Kept Secret Papayas, which taste like a mix of bananas and mango, have a tropical flavor, totally unexpected where they are native: the Mid-Atlantic,…
amsoniaastersautumn bride heucheraautumn colorautumn perennialsblue starFall colorfall grassesGarden DesignGardeninggrasseshelenium red jewelJapanese anemonemuhly grassnative plantRosie Posie Agastache7 Min Read epic gardeningonAugust 13, 2023Top 10 Seasonal Stars of the Fall Garden Perennial spring bloomers are easy. There are so many fantastic spring performers that you will always have something blooming all spring long…
Container gardeningGardeningnative containernative containersnative plantnative plantsnatives in containers4 Min Read epic gardeningonAugust 7, 2023Native All Star Containers Native container gardens are much easier to set up than full-size gardens. If you’re new to gardening or have limited space, native pots…
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Gardeningindian pinknative plantPlant portraitsspigelia2 Min Read epic gardeningonApril 13, 2023Indian rose: a delight for the native hummingbird Praise from knowledgeable people (mostly horticulturists and native plant specialists) who praise the perennial Indian rose, Spigelia…
Container gardeningGardeningnative containernative plantplanted native containersusing natives in containers4 Min Read epic gardeningonFebruary 18, 2023Native Plants in Containers Native container gardens are much easier to set up than full-size gardens. If you’re new to gardening or have limited space, native pots…