An unusual colored flower with pendulous indigo violet flowers hanging elegantly above the grey-green leaves; another name for her is Blue Shrimp Plant. An excellent container or border plant, it is easy to start from seed. Some references point out that since it is a hard-shelled seed, it is first necessary to cut the cover to germinate. But I have found that the seed germinates quickly even if this first step is not done. He really wants to start growing!
Also known as HoneyThe flowers attract bees and hummingbirds. The inch-long flowers produce honey-flavored nectar, which is probably where the common name comes from. As the plant matures, the bracts change from green to purple and blue. Deadhead to encourage continued flowering.

Sow the seeds and a few days later, juicy succulent-like shoots will appear above the soil and quickly grow into robust plants for transplanting. Wonderful as cuttings for fresh flower arrangements, the flowers last a long time in the vase, 7 to 10 days.

If you want to use Honey As a cut flower, the stem ends should be flamed or dipped in hot water as it exudes sap. Elegantly arching stems with fitting flowers make an excellent filler for a bouquet.

Cerinthus It is a good filler plant, with its blue-green foliage and succulent texture that contrasts nicely with other vegetables in the garden. To highlight the other colors in the bracts, such as gold, yellow, bronze, mezzanines. Cerinthus with plants that have purple or tan leaves, such as Caramel Heuchera or Euphoriba ‘Chameleon’. Overseeding in my garden happens frequently, which I recommend. Incredibly, this plant is quite cold hardy, so I plant it very early in the season, around mid to late April.

In spring, once all danger of frost has passed, sow seeds directly where the plants will grow in regular, well-drained soil in full sun. In temperate climates, Cerinthe can also be sown in autumn to flower in spring. Poke the large seeds into the soil about ¾ inch deep and 4 to 6 inches apart and firm the soil gently over them.

Start seeds indoors in 4-inch pots about 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost date. Keep it moist, but not soaked, and provide a strong light source. Once the seedlings are 4 to 6 inches tall, acclimate them to outdoor conditions and transplant them to a sunny location in well-drained garden soil. Thin or transplant seedlings 8 to 12 inches apart. Avoid disturbing the roots of the seedlings.
GRAMROWING northOTES (from Renee’s Garden Seeds)
‘Cerinthus prefers full sun, but can take dappled shade, although plants will have a more spindly habit. Be patient; The plants are not distinguished until they flower. In late spring, the dramatic blue bracts will turn more purple at the tips, then clusters of purple bells adorned with a white border will unfold. Grow near pastel cleome or cosmos for exciting color contrast.

Cerinthus It is best planted en masse to appreciate the beautiful flowers.
The variety ‘Purpurascens’ is the most commonly available type and was selected for its stronger coloration than the species.
Click here to see my recent article on Cerinthe at The American Gardener.